I2S 2023 Year in Review

In our third year of operation, I2S’ award-winning efforts continued to
grow our domestic partner network while expanding our international influence
through research collaborations and advice to multilateral development banks,
including the AIIB, World Bank and ADB. Our research and knowledge translation
efforts informed infrastructure policy and practice throughout the year in
several important areas:

Contracting and tendering: Evidence-based advice to better integrate community concerns and social risk management into major project designSetting standards: Application of I2S’ Infrastructure Engagement Excellence (IEE) Standards Post-Project Self-Assessment Tool to over $10 billion in domestic projects Social risk management: Establishment of I2S’ Social Risk Maturity Model and Social Risk Scanner, along with identification of the most common social risk factors for major projectsSocial licence to operate: Capacity building for the …Read More

Superdiversity is the new normal in Australia’s major cities

Recent, award-winning research from ANU I2S shows there are increasingly more neighbourhoods across Australia’s cities and towns that are highly culturally diverse. This evidence underscores the importance of planning and delivering infrastructure that positively recognises diversity, including through equitable access to infrastructure and services to promote social inclusion and high liveability.

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Join us at IAP2 and improve your social risk management capability

IAP2A Workshop 5: Cutting-Edge Social Risk Factor Identification for Major Projects

Did you know that over the last decade Australia has seen over $30 billion dollars worth of projects cancelled, delayed or mothballed where community opposition was significant?

Did you also know that infrastructure professionals rate stakeholder and community opposition as one of the leading causes of project delay?

Understanding the social risks right from the outset of a project, can be key to effective risk management and community engagement. But what are social risks and how can you and your team integrate social factors into risk management on major infrastructure projects?

Join ANU I2S Director Professor Sara Bice and ARC Co-Chief Investigator Dr Hayley Henderson to improve your capacity to manage social risk …Read More

6th State of Infrastructure and Engagement Survey Open Now!

Join your colleagues from across the infrastructure sector to share your experiences with the State of Infrastructure and Engagement Survey – Australia’s longest running study into the community engagement and social license in the infrastructure sector.   Share your insights now: Click here to share your experiences.

“Community and stakeholder pressure continues to be a real issue for infrastructure delivery. Our data over five consecutive years shows that industry professionals rate ‘stakeholder and community pressure’ as one of the top three most influential factors contributing to project delays,” said I2S Director, Professor Sara Bice.  “In our 6th Annual Survey, we are contining to investigate these long range issues. This year’s survey will also take a deep dive into the …Read More

Take your career further! I2S launches new executive education courses.

At I2S we’re often approached by project teams to
provide professional development presentations and workshops to help
infrastructure teams enhance their abilities to address social risk and gain social

Now, after more than a year of research and
planning, we’re pleased to announce the launch of the I2S Professional
Development Training Suite. The course offering includes:

Introduction to Infrastructure for
Non-Technical Specialists –
the perfect introduction for early and mid-career engagement specialists
or for those new to the sector to understand how major projects are
selected, designed and delivered and the role that engagement
practitioners play throughout.Introduction to Social Impact Assessment – drawing on the world …Read More

New IEE Standards Tools available now

If you are looking to raise the standard of your engagement, new tools are
now available to support your team and project. 

Contract Management and Development Scorecard

The development and management of contracts can lay important groundwork for
engagement teams to work together effectively and optimise community and social
outcomes.  Teams looking to understand the quality of engagement in
relation to Contract Development and Management, are now able to apply the
newly developed scorecard. Please get in touch if you would like to learn

Project Life-Cycle Health Check 

The quality of engagement during the early stages of infrastructure planning
can significantly influence later project and community outcomes. If your team
are looking for support to help identify potential blind spots and pain points,
our new health-check tool kit is now available for …Read More

Back in the field: I2S Pilots Intensive Research Model with the SA Government

The ANU research team visited the offices of the Department for Infrastructure and Transport (DIT) in South Australia between the 22nd and 26th of May.

This trip provided a critical opportunity to test our new tools, including our contract management scorecard, post-project self-assessment and monitoring toolkit for community engagement standards throughout the lifecycle of infrastructure projects.

Being able to test these tools gave us new data to build our evidence base and new insights about how to refine the tools for greater impact in practice.

We were also able to meet with project teams to better understand risk management processes and how social risks are identified and evaluated.

Getting a close-up view of how this works in practice is vital for the Australian Research …Read More